Mac vs. PC: Things you need to know

Mac vs. PC: Things you need to know

By Shirish Ranjit

PC the short form for Personal Computer is widely known for a computer with Microsoft Operating System Software. Mac is the short form for Macintosh Personal Computers from Apple, and has an Apple-operating system that works on UNIX Operating System Software.

Apple computer first came with desktop display on its early version of personal computers. Apple has focused on desktop publishing and high-end desktop users that require faster and robust desktop computers. This led to Apple’s product line of high-end desktop, which is useful to desktop publishers, graphic designers, and movie animators. Apple has focused on producing high quality software for those users. However, Apple did not focus on producing office-productivity software such as MSWord, Excel and so on. Microsoft provided the office-productivity software for Mac.

Microsoft has primarily focused on providing software for personal computers. They developed a command–line-based-operating system called DOS and licensed it to PC makers. Eventually, Microsoft dominated the operating system for PCs. Microsoft’s Windows are very similar to Mac desktop. The Microsoft’s operating-system products are Windows 3.1, 95, 98, 2000, XP and the latest version- Vista.

Microsoft was able to use the knowledge of its operating system to produce better office software such as MSWord, and Excel. Since Microsoft based PCs are so prevalent, there are many different software for various needs. However, Mac has software for only certain specialized users.

So, a user needs to know a particular type of system that meets the need out of different types of computer systems available in the market based on the cost and benefit.

Most of the computer users at home have their needs fulfilled by PC with Microsoft operating systems. However, since the explosion of Internet, there have been many viruses to break into the system or crash PCs. These viruses have been particularly affecting Microsoft operating systems and causing many failures. This is probably the most negative aspect of using Microsoft Windows on Internet. Besides virus, Windows has been an unstable system. However, they have been improving their product quality.

Mac has a robust-operating system with robust hardware that makes using Mac much more enjoyable. Mac system has been hardly affected by viruses. The only drawback is its high price and fewer software products available. However, Mac also has been improving their software products.

Lately, many software providers have been providing their software for both Mac and PC.

So, you need to determine whether you want to buy Mac or Microsoft-based PC. Though Mac is pricy compare to PC, they have better hardware, performance, and security while lower price PCs are vulnerable to viruses. Mac is easy to connect and use Internet. It is also easy to connect with other computers. Though the software in PCs has been improving their software reliability and security, it is still open to viruses and unwanted crashes.

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